
Theme 2024 : Diversity through the animal

Every survivor experiences impacts following sexual assault. The CALACS francophone d’Ottawa is launching this photo contest to offer collective healing. The selected photos will depict connection and solidarity for the survivors/victims. Animals are our lifelong allies. As such, your photo must essentially reflect the safety, freedom, and strength of survivors/victims.

We ask participants to complete this form, upload photos and provide a description for each one. They also must pay the entry fees and it must be made through PayPal.

This form contains important information and rules that you must respect to be eligible. If you are one of the 5 winners, a contract will be sent to you. For more information, please email

Important dates:
  • Contest starts: February 1st, 2024 
  • Contest closes: April 14th, 2024, at midnight
  • Unveiling of the 5 winners: May 23rd, 2024 during the Victims and Survivors of Crime week, an event organized by the CALACS francophone d’Ottawa.


* Indicates required fields

6. I am eligible to participate and confirm that:*

7. If I have taken pictures of pets, I have obtained the consent of the person to whom the pets belong in the photographs and releases the CALACS francophone d’Ottawa from any legal action that may be brought as a result of the publication of the photos submitted to the contest.*

8. I submit this number of photos and agree to pay the entry fees*

9. If I am a winner, I will send my digital photos in high resolution (3000 pixels or more) using WeTransfer (*

10. By entering this contest, I agree to the following terms:*

Please upload pictures with the JPG extension that are less than 3Mb.

Total amount due:

Make your payment securely on Paypal